Friday, August 29, 2014

Hand-Painted Football Cooler

My husband and I have season tickets to the Jacksonville Jaguar games. This season, I decided to take a year off to stay home with our baby, but I still wanted to be there! I thought "well maybe I could just make him a cooler!"
Here's how I did it:

-acrylic spray paint for plastic (white-base color)
-acrylic paint
-painters tape
-mod podge 
-acrylic sealer clear spray paint (uv resistant)

First, find a plastic cooler that fits your needs. If you have the time and materials, I suggest sanding down the surface a little. Tape off the wheels and borders of the cooler, if necessary. Spray the cooler with the acrylic spray paint. 
Let dry. Take your pencil and sketch what you want to paint (or use transfer/carbon/graphite paper to transfer patterns or whatever image you want on the cooler).

Start painting! I became best friends with my DVR while painting this thing... I suggest finding a show to watch on Netflix or Hulu while you paint to help keep you entertained.

While the paint is still wet, remove the painters tape. I waited until everything was dry and the tape peeled the paint right off. 

Once everything is dry, coat the cooler with mod podge. Do a few layers! Then when that dries, spray the cooler with the uv resistant acrylic sealer. 

Ta-dah! You're all set! I suggest not leaving it all day in a hot car with no ice in it lol. That could lead to some of the paint bubbling off... 

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